What is Humic Acid?

Humic acids have long been used to stimulate plant cellular growth, but they have gained a reputation for providing human benefits as well. While research continues in an attempt to verify the human health benefits of humic acids, including fulvic acid, both are available as supplements for human consumption.

Humic derives from the word “humus,” which refers to organic matter that makes up compost, soil and other biological substances. Humus is the biodegradation of dead organic matter, primarily decomposed plant and animal residue.

It is not a single acid. Instead, it is a complex mix of different acids containing carboxyl and phenoloate groups, and is among the most bio-chemically active materials found in soil.

Fulvic acids is a subgroup of humic acids with a lower molecular weight and higher oxygen content than other humic acids. Commercially, the term humic acid is often used to refer to a combined humic and fulvic acid content found in naturally occurring soil deposits.

Humic Acid as a Nutritional Supplement

Humic acid offered commercially as a nutritional supplement for humans is meant to act as an antioxidant and detoxifier. Medical reports state that humic acid binds o positively and negatively charged articles, purifying a body’s system and restoring natural balance.

Other studies have found that humic acid can regulate a body’s immune cells to keep them from attacking healthy cells as can happen during radiation therapy. Researchers also state humic acid acts as an anti-viral agent.

Research, however, is ongoing to confirm the positive effects Humic has on humans.