Why are Trace Minerals Missing in Our Diets?

It is no secret that our diets have changed considerably since our ancestors were planting and harvesting their crops with the help of their trusty steed. What helped make the farming process easier and more efficient today, has consequently stripped some of the vital trace minerals from our diet. While trace minerals are needed only in small amounts, they are still a critical aspect of our overall health. Some of the most important trace minerals include iron, copper, zinc, and selenium.
Modern agricultural practices are largely to blame for why trace minerals are missing from our diets. The first way modern farming has depleted the amount of trace minerals is by focusing on high-yielding farm practices. Modernized farming brings minerals to the soil’s surface, which in turn, gets washed away by irrigation and rain water. If the minerals are washed before the plants can thoroughly absorb them, we miss out on those nutrients.
Man-made fertilizers are also impacting the amount of trace minerals found in soil. A lot of the fertilizers include nutrients that can sustain only basic plant life. Focus on high quantities of larger crops also means our food is being chemically altered to achieve those results. While the fruit or vegetable is bigger and would appear to be better for you, it can actually be less nutritious than the same, smaller product because of how each crop was grown.
The use of pesticides also makes it more difficult for plants to absorb all of the nutrients and minerals from the soil. This means that even though you are eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables for a healthy diet, you could still be missing out on important nutrients because of how the food was grown.
Trace minerals are also found in the meat you consume. As long as the livestock was provided the appropriate diet, you should be absorbing the same essential minerals and nutrients as them. Making sure you are eating meat that has been exposed to proper food, exercise, and living conditions is not always as guaranteed as we would hope it to be. If the livestock was raised on a farm that doesn’t place value on making sure all of the livestock’s nutritional needs are met, there’s a good chance that all of your nutritional needs are not being met as well.
Modern farming and agriculture are not strictly responsible for lack of trace minerals in our diet. The medications that people are taking to help manage one health issue, can make it harder for your body to absorb vitamins and minerals. An example of this would be using an excessive amount of antacids can change the way your body absorbs iron. Acid reflux is a serious, uncomfortable health issue and many people turn to antacids for relief. Too much antacids, however, increase your chances of iron deficiency.
Finally, processed foods are another contributing factor to why you may not be getting enough trace minerals. The ingredients found of the back to your favorite snack’s packaging can demonstrate how bad processed food is for you. Scientists can make a lot of chemicals and flavor-enhancing ingredients, but they can not create trace minerals in a lab. Trace minerals can only be produced naturally. Processed foods might taste great, but they cannot provide you with all of your basic nutritional needs.
Above all else, making sure you are eating a healthy and balanced diet is the number one way to insure you are getting the right amount of trace minerals. As you can see, making a conscious effort to always eat healthy may not be enough. Adding Pure Fulvic Minerals can help keep you healthy and make sure all of your trace mineral needs are met.